Monday, 31 March 2008


I am a

What Flower
Are You?

I should be writing my essay and what am I doing faffing! Im always faffing - now I got to go pick the boys up and I havent done anything!

Went to work this morning though - Im tired I am - needed to rest. Lot's to say but really can't stay!

LOL now Im a poet!

Right will be back soon! Going to get boys now! Im sorry to everyone but I have deleted all my alerts - I just cant keep up with them!

Laney xxxxx


Anonymous said...

I think I was a snapdragon too... can't remember now... was the same as Stuart... was that a snapdragon?

I want to write you a poem, but can't think of anything to do with Othello that rhymes with faffing.  

Your good buddy Sara says stop all the faffing
Get your essay done and then you'll be laffing!

I am multi talented.
Yes I am.

Sara   xxx

Anonymous said...

I am the same way...LOL.have a good week!  Hugs,TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

I was a snapdragon. Wonder if everyone is LOL. Helen

Anonymous said...

I was a snapdragon as well Laine ~ we can't all be snapdragons can we ????? ~ Good Luck with your essay ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Me too Lainey, I`m a snapdragon! :o)

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

You sound like a naughty girl who doesn't want to do her homework.  It is a shame you don't like your course, you don't have to do it if it makes you glum.  Life is too short.