Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Message from Joan

Hello peeps, Im not sure if those who need to know will get this message, as I dont get many readers, but if you do and you get lots of readers to your journal can you let everyone know that Joan of Stranny Dayze is having probs with AOL - she sent me an email here is a snippet

Can you do me a favour.....can you tell peeps that I am having problems accessing my aol at home but that Sammy is still poorly but we are hopeful of a good recovery. Thanks 'Lainey in anticipation......

Love Lainey xxxxx



Anonymous said...

Thanks for this Laine ,I do hope Sam is soon back to his old self again Jan xx

Anonymous said...

((((( for our Joan's Sam )))))

Sara   xxx

Anonymous said...

Hope Joan sorts out aol ~ Hope Sammy makes a full recovery ~ and hope you are OK Laine ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

just popping in to say hi hun,my comp went bust a few weeks ago so im catching up,all the best zoe xx