Monday, 10 September 2007

An old friend is back

Hi everyone,

Sorry I have been away for so long - I'll explain why in a minute but just got to tell you an old friend is back our lovely Aileen - please go visit her and welcome her back - she has had very poor health lately and she needs some good old journal love passed on!! Awww so glad she is back!!

Anyway, I started my new job last week so I've been tired and busy! No excuse I know but anyway Im back now so stop moaning.  The job has started well - I am with two boys one is age 8 and one is age 11.  I with one before first break the I go and see the other one after first break.  So far its not been too bad - I am just finding my feet there though and I dont think Im being strict enough so I really have to improve that or them little kids will get the better of me.  Anyway, end of my first week and the Headmaster calls me in - scary!! Yes even when your 42!! hee hee!!  Anyway, he congratulated me on a good start and has offered me more hours!! eeeeeek!!  He asked if I would like to work with a child that is the most challenging child in the school.  The poor lad has numerous emotional problems, he is on the autistic spectrum and they think he is schzeprhenic - no way do I know how to spell that!!  They also think he has terets. Bless him - little lad - he is only 8 - he is a big handful, he swears, he kicks, he is very violent sometimes.  Anyway, Im to work with him afternoons - so another ten hours added on my week.  I have said yes but to have reviews often to see how Im getting on - I have requested that myself as I dont want to be doing it if its not working for me or the child.

I hope you are all ok. Diama did you get your package I have sent it! I will come visit you all as soon as I can.

Love Lainey

p.s. I will also be putting on my camping pics soon - specially for Sara Sara xxxxxx



Anonymous said...

Already popped by to Aileen, Glad you are enjoying the job.....well done you!! Love Joan xxx

Anonymous said...

Already popped by to Aileen, Glad you are enjoying the job.....well done you!! Love Joan xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Laine, I'm just finding everybody's links again after I lost all my favourites and address book (had a Trojan Horse virus!). I got an email for Aileen's new journal, I was so glad to see her back! Glad you're getting on at the school, I don't think I'd have enough patience! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

Hi! Laine....thanks for the Mention,and Warm Welcome I've missed everyone too. Lots of changes, and finding my way around again. So pleased you remembered me. Good Luck in the New Job!

Anonymous said...

welcome back my friend... I just came from there :)  Hope you'll be around more

Anonymous said...

no i havent recieved a package track it and see where it is because i sure havent recieved anything.

Anonymous said...

Yes lovely to see Aileen back isnt it ? I hope you will be able to help that poor little boy ,he does seem to have alot of problems doesnt he ? a good idea to request the reviews ,you will need lots of support ,but nice to think , They deem you are capable of helping him ,it must boost your esteem Jan xx

Anonymous said...

sounds like that boy at work will be a  handful, I feel bad for him. Good luck with the new job it sounds like you have been busy. Can't wait to see the pics.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are enjoying your job but not surprised that you are tired.  Glad to hear from you as I was beginning to worry.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

See... my demand did work, eventually :o)
You know how I feel about what you're doing at the school m'dear, people like you are wonderful, working with our kids.  If I can help at all, J being autistic, though they are all different and have their own individual problems, please let me know hon.
Glad it's going so well.
Have a ((((( )))))... sorry I not been much good the last few days!!
Sara   xxx

Anonymous said...

Well done on surviving your first week.  They sound like interesting children and I am sure they will appreciate you.  Make sure you get to go on courses to improve your understanding and management of the little ones.