Saturday, 7 June 2008

Hello out there world

Hello everyone. So sorry I have been away for a while - did you miss me? I have missed all of you! I havent been to visit you all like I should have! I've not felt like writing in my journal - I have been too busy studying. Well the English is done now! Could only do my best and my best is what I did! Just got one science exam left at end of June.

I really dont know where this is all leading. I do want to teach. I will probably teach adults. Im not sure a school is for me now. I love the kids but I hate the heirachy (however you spell that) and the politics! Im doing a course on adult education at the mo. Its just a starter for voluntary work. Im also investigating doing a Cert. Ed. (Certificate of Education.) Then I could teach art in an art college! That would be fab but I'd have to brush up on me Art knowledge pretty dam swift!

Its a year ago that I did my degree show! This year's students have their private view tonight! I have been invited but dont know whether to go or not. Im so tired these days I really dont feel like doing anything.

We havent bought a rabbit yet! (hmm sounds like a song, familiar) Anyway, we havent got a rabbit yet coz Im worried about the foxes in this areas.

OMG I think im gonna buy a PS3!!! shall I, shall I? I have the urge.

Laine xxxx


Anonymous said...

Hi Laine! Good to hear from you.
Sounds like you have the future mapped out, good luck.

Anonymous said...

Lovely to hear from you again and I have missed you.  Glad that your exams are coming to an end -  you must have been really busy.  The little rabbit can wait a little while yet........have to get the security in place first!  You sound busy, but very happy which is great to hear.  Take care and good luck with the science exam.  Eileen x

Anonymous said...

I'm sure whatever you decide to do you'll do it well! A fox got our rabbit when the kids were young, very sad. Yeah, go on ~ get the PS3! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

sounds like youve been busy. Keep your focus you can do whatever you want. I want a ps3.

Anonymous said...

happy to hear from you. I was gone a while too. Just got to busy and to tired. Good luck with all the schoolilng and stuff.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry hun dont take this the wrong way please,but I was laughing so much my sides ache now,the first sentance was,'I did my best in my english exam' then you said,' I dunno how you spell hireachy' lmao,oh hun I am sure you did well and good luck with the science too,lol I cant spell it either,but my eyes are full of tears lol mwahh zoe xx

Anonymous said...

Of course we missed you ~ I think I would prefer to teach adults or teaching art sounds good for you ~ whatever you do Laine I know you will give it your best ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment that you left on my journal. You have such a lively journal; I like it very much. I've put you on my alerts.--Sheria

Anonymous said...

I hope the future brings what is best for all of you...good job to you and hope you have a great week!  TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

Hiya. Good to see you are okay. We have not had internet for a week....a glitch within the system apparently, makes you realise how much we all rely on it nowadays!!!love Joan xxxx